Malou Cacumbay


        She was born and lived in province Cagayan valley. She was invited by Mr. Jen Utleg Consumido to join Cagayano Artists Group Inc. where she was trained and developed her skills in visual arts. She is now an active member of the group.
Although, she is not a full-time visual artist, she finds ways to pursue her hobby. Using her own technique to the different mediums like soft pastel, charcoal and oil, she has produced amazing artworks. She has been joining local and national art exhibition and competition. Her aim is to create more amazing arts to inspire young generation.

Title : Y casta na Callao
Medium : oil on canvas Size :
Year : 2015
Price: Not for sale
Title : Born of One’s life
Meduim: oil on canvas
Size :3x3 feet
Year : 2018

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